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Coal: The View from 2,000 Feet

Coal: The View from 2,000 Feet

James Fallows flies his plane over the mines of West Virginia and discusses the future of energy

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Nov 9 2010

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The Cablegate Chronicles WikiLeaks

The Cablegate Chronicles

Among the revelations in the WikiLeaks docs: Inside many a foreign service officer lurks a frustrated novelist. Our series documenting the literary adventures of diplomats.

'Winter's Bone': This Awards Season's Indie Favorite Anonymous Content

'Winter's Bone': This Awards Season's Indie Favorite

This story of a 17-year-old dropout single-handedly raising both her younger brother and sister has moved audiences all year

Getting Kicked Out of Congress Getty Images

Getting Kicked Out of Congress

Technically, the rules are wide open in both the House and Senate, but it isn't easy to get the boot. A how-to guide, according to historical precedent.

7 Strange Groupon Deals Groupon

7 Strange Groupon Deals

As the deal-of-the-day site considers a $6 billion offer from Google, we step back and look at some of the wackiest coupons it has offered customers over the years.

Does $100 a Barrel Oil Threaten the Recovery? slopjop/flickr

Does $100 a Barrel Oil Threaten the Recovery?

The middle class already spends more on gas than taxes or health care

The Shameful Attacks Against Julian Assange

Not since the days of Richard Nixon has a journalist been so vilified

The Mystery of John McCain

Once open-minded, the senator has become rigid: just look at his opposition to repealing "don't ask, don't tell"

Nicki Minaj vs. Lil' Kim: Why Can't Female MCs Get Along?

There are a few spots at the top of hip hop for women and competition is fierce

The Hottest Trends in Ice Cream

Salt, pepper, garlic, South Asian infusions, and more made their way into chilly confections this year

Political Purges Return to Iraq

Prime Minister Maliki replaced qualified intelligence and security officers with partisans, new U.S. documents show

Unemployment Keeps Growing

The jobless rate rose to 9.8 percent and nearly 1.3 million people have stopped looking for work. What went wrong?

Ideas of the Year

Oil-spill engineering, Kenyan social media, Jon Stewart's apolitics, and more remarkable thoughts from 2010

Why America Lost the World Cup Hosting Bid

Understanding the U.S.'s latest global sports disappointment

My Own Personal WikiLeaks

More cables that the State Department really, really doesn't want you to see, from a former U.S. Foreign Service officer

The Christian Message of Ants Crawling on Jesus

It's not sacrilegious to show Christ suffering: That's the crux of the gospels

4 Reasons the Economy's Looking Up in 2011

The recession's over, but the recovery hasn't caught fire—yet

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