Sunday, December 5, 2010 Last Update: 3:20 AM ET

Mounting State Debts Stoke Fears of a Looming Crisis

The budget imbalances and debt in states and localities remind some analysts of the run-up to the subprime mortgage meltdown, or of the crisis hitting Europe.

State's Secrets
The latest from the leaked diplomatic cables.

Cables Discuss Vast Hacking by a China That Fears the Web

China has engaged in attacks aimed at American military and political data, and its leaders have been obsessed with Google’s role in its country, cables say.

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iteboarding at Kite Beach, near Cabarete, Dominican Republic. First-timers start with a training kite on the beach.
Russ Juskalian

Kite in Hand, Blue Above and Below

Catching waves and wind in the clear, warm sea off the northern coast of the Dominican Republic.

Poisoned Web
As Bullies Go Digital, Parents Play Catch-Up

Parents trying to protect their children from Internet bullying are scrambling to catch up with the technological sophistication of the next generation.

Pushing a Right to Bear Arms, the Sharp Kind

Changes in knife laws in Arizona and New Hampshire have given new life to the knife rights lobby.

Sports of The Times
Jeter’s Deal Is Done. Now for the Hard Part.

Derek Jeter will be getting older at a demanding position with everyone watching for deterioration in his game.

Haunted by Attack, Few Return to Island

Many South Koreans who fled Yeonpyeong are so fearful of another attack by the North that they may never return.

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G.E. Goes With What It Knows: Making Stuff

G.E.’s chief executive says it must rely on on making products, not financial engineering.


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A Reader’s San Francisco

A Reader’s San Francisco

In the home of many of the very technologies that have drawn a bead on the book, there is a haven for readers.


36 Hours in Damascus

It claims to be the oldest inhabited city, but Damascus still looks fresh.

Dodge Viper SRT-10
Last Gasp for Dodge’s Asp

Last Gasp for Dodge’s Asp

After 19 years, the Dodge Viper remains the least compromised production supercar ever built by a major manufacturer.

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Corner Office
Defensive? It Leads to Destructive

Defensive? It Leads to Destructive

Bob Brennan, C.E.O. of Iron Mountain, says it’s important to remove defensiveness from corporate culture to “focus on achieving, learning and bonding.”

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