The Story of the U.S.A.

America: A Patriotic Primer. Lynne Cheney. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2002. Grades K-4.

An ABC book that introduces readers to the founding principles of the United States. Each letter of the alphabet stands for an idea ("S is for Suffrage," "T is for Tolerance") or for a historical figure ("J is for Jefferson, "W is for Washington"). Each idea is illustrated in words, through quotations from historical sources, and in pictures.

The Fourth of July Story. Alice Dalgliesh. New York: Aladdin Books, 1956, reprint 1995. Grades K-4.

An American classic that describes how the thirteen colonies united for independence, the writing of the Declaration of Independence, carrying the news of independence across the colonies, the war against the British, and the election of George Washington as president.

Give Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of Independence. Russell Freedman. New York: Holiday House, 2000. Grades 5 and up.

This abundantly illustrated book covers the Boston Tea Party and the other events that led to the colonial uprising and revolt. It describes the Second Continental Congress, the formation of the Continental Army, the Battle of Bunker Hill, and the drafting of the Declaration. Also discusses how this "living document" continues to speak anew to each generation. Includes the full text of the Declaration, a list of all its signers, a chronology of events covered in the book's chapters, and the efforts made to protect and preserve the document.

The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of Independence. Judith St. George. New York: Philomel Books, 2005. Grades K-5.

Chronicles the journey of the Declaration of Independence through American history. Since it was signed in 1776, the Declaration has been rolled up, copied, hidden away, and traveled by horseback, sailing vessel, mail truck, railroad car, and military tank. After being front and center of a new nation, it has escaped two British invasions and survived for more than two centuries of both peaceful times and devastating wars.

The Story of the Statue of Liberty. Betsy Maestro. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, 1986. Grades 2-7.

Describes the creation of the Statue of Liberty given by France to the United States as a remembrance of the old friendship between the two countries, and explains how the statue is a symbol of hope and freedom to people who come to America. Provides a detailed account of how the sculptor came up with the concept and executed the sculpture. Contains lists of additional information about the statue, such as a table of dates, people who helped in the construction, dimensions of the statue, and more.

The Children's Books and Web Sites bibliography lists more kid-friendly literature about the U.S. government.