Weekly Columns

  • News for the Ninth

    I have heard from a number of folks in the 9th District who are worried about tax increases and are interested in a new approach to government taxation in our country. I believe that Congress must address the long-term economic issues facing our nation, which is why I favor fundamental tax reform. Our current tax system is inefficient, discourages savings and investment, and hinders economic growth.
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  • News for the Ninth

    Many families in our district live, work, and depend on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers for their livelihoods and many of them have real concerns with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (Corps) management of our rivers.
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  • News for the Ninth

    In times of increased debt and record government spending, the United States is in need of a no-cost stimulus that creates American jobs and spurs our nation's economy. Instead of the dangerous fiscal tactic of throwing money at our economic woes, we should be embracing free trade agreements that will help boost our economy by growing opportunities for our hard-working farmers and ranchers that play a vital role in the prosperity of the 9th District of Missouri.
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  • News for the Ninth

    As we pause this Thanksgiving to enjoy our families and give thanks for all the blessings we have received as individuals and as a nation, many families will be facing tough times. We all know someone who has been affected by the economic downturn, whether it's a family member, co-worker or friend.
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  • News for the Ninth

    I've had a lot of questions lately from people who aren't quite sure what a lame duck session of Congress is and exactly what we might be able to accomplish as we approach such a session next week. They are both good questions with serious implications for hard-working families across our nation.
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  • News for the Ninth

    There are many symbols that help remind us of the sacrifices of our veterans, and we see them all across our great nation. There are the long rows of white headstones that cover the sacred grounds at Arlington National Cemetery, and the statutes and plaques that dot small towns from coast to coast. All of these veterans made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and we honor them each Veterans Day.
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  • News for the Ninth

    Our nation's capital is dotted with monuments that represent our long commitment to representative democracy. Our forefathers made many sacrifices, and some made the ultimate sacrifice, to protect our many rights including our right to vote. And today, our fighting men and women continue to make sacrifices in defense of our democracy.
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  • News for the Ninth

    If anyone requires further proof that Washington's spending is out-of-control and needs a massive correction, look no further than the recent announcement that the federal budget deficit exceeded $1 trillion for the second straight year.
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  • News for the Ninth

    We have entered a new federal budget year without a budget, and I remain concerned about where our country's economy is headed. Many of you have expressed the same concerns since I returned from Washington, D.C., late last month.
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  • News for the Ninth

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appears bent on destroying rural America. The EPA and Majority party's attempt to regulate everything from mud-puddles to dust is a massive power grab that threatens the livelihoods of our family farmers, small businesses, and rural communities.
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  • News for the Ninth

    In recent days, many folks from right here in the 9th District have asked for details about how much damage the President's tax hike will have on their lives and the well-being of their families. There has been a lot of discussion about this tax hike, and I was fortunate to come across some new information that I hope will put things into perspective.
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  • News for the Ninth

    Lately there has been a lot of talk about taxes and holding the line on spending. House Republicans have put forth a simple two-point plan to freeze tax rates at their current level for two years and cut non-security spending back to 2008 levels.
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  • News for the Ninth

    As a small farmer and rancher, I have a personal understanding of the importance of adhering to high standards of animal welfare. Over the last few weeks during my time in the District, I have heard from countless farmers and ranchers who are extremely concerned about the impact of a state ballot measure, Proposition B, in Missouri.
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  • News for the Ninth

    As I prepare to go back to Washington after a month listening to folks here in the District, I keep reflecting on the one word I heard the most during my travels and visits with many of you: "uncertainty." And during my District travels, I came across a quote from President Ronald Reagan that seems to fit the times: "The American spirit is there, ready to blaze into life if you and I are willing to do what has to be done."
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  • News for the Ninth

    The people of the 9th District, whom I have proudly represented for the last 20 months, have been speaking out loud and clear about issues that are on their minds. And many more are demanding answers from me, the person they sent to Washington to represent their interests. With that in mind, I would like to address four areas of concern that are most frequently brought up in letters, emails and face-to-face meetings throughout the District.
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  • News for the Ninth

    Over the last few months, many of you have made it clear how concerned you are about national security, terrorism, homeland security and, specifically, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Providing for the common defense is a fundamental duty that our Constitution requires, and it is a responsibility I take very seriously.
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  • News for the Ninth

    I recently had the distinct honor of hosting We The People town hall meetings in Fulton, Montgomery City and Bowling Green as part of my commitment as your representative to listen to you and take your concerns back with me each week to Washington, D.C.
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  • News for the Ninth

    Hard-working individuals and entrepreneurs have always been the lifeblood of the American economy by creating jobs and spurring innovation, which in the past have made American free enterprise the envy of the world. As Americans, we all understand that if you work hard, you can be successful. Unfortunately, that spirit appears to be undergoing a fundamental transformation that puts government ahead of the spirit of enterprise.
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  • News for the Ninth

    As your liaison to your government, it is crucial that I hear from as many people as possible regarding the various issues that affect the folks back home in Missouri. Currently, it is clear that many of you are concerned with our educational system at all levels. Whether a child is enrolled in pre-school or in college, we all want to be sure they are getting the best education possible.
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  • News for the Ninth

    As Missourians representing a wonderful cross-section of political beliefs and ideologies prepare to go to the polls on Tuesday, August 3, we should all remember that every vote does count and no vote is wasted. At a time when our country faces so many challenges, I would encourage all Missourians to consider the words of our sixth President, John Quincy Adams, who said: "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost."
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