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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
  For immediate release: October 3, 2007  
Contact: (202) 225-4761
Eric Wortman, Communications Director
Rick Palacio, Deputy Communications Director

Rep. Salazar angered at SCHIP veto


President eliminates healthcare for 56,000 Colorado children

WASHINGTON, D.C. – “This morning, with an effortless signature, the president left 56,000 children in Colorado without healthcare, sending his message to working American families that their future does not matter,” Rep. Salazar said.  “Two thirds of these children come from two income households making less than $40,000 per year; these are hard working families,”

Created in 1997, SCHIP, a public/private partnership, was created to make health care available for children in families who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private insurance.  Six million children in the U.S. have health care because of SCHIP.  In Colorado, where the program is called CHP plus, there are over 56,000 children in who rely on the partnership for their healthcare needs.  There are 180,000 uninsured children in Colorado, and it is estimated that 2/3 of these children are eligible for CHP+ but not currently enrolled and over 2/3 of the children covered by SCHIP are from two income households.

“With this mornings veto the president thumbed his nose at the American people like a spoiled child who must have his way,” added Salazar.  “His lack of concern for working families is clear; his priority is to continue this war in Iraq at the expense of our children.”




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