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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
For immediate release: May 1, 2008
Contact: (202) 225-4761
Eric Wortman, Communications Director




Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John Salazar (CO-3) helped secure passage of a bill Wednesday that will provide an additional $12 million in federal appropriations for much needed road improvements in La Plata County. 

The bill makes changes to the 2005 federal highway bill also known as the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).  The bill passed the House last night, 358-51, sending the measure to the president for final approval. 
The $12 million will be divided between US 550 and US 160.  US 550 will receive $7 million for work from the New Mexico state line to Durango, including two mainline bridges, drainage improvements, deer fencing, and widening portions of 550 to four lanes.  US 160 will receive $5 million for work from State Highway 3 to East of the Florida River, including a second westbound lane into Durango, and partial construction of the relocated interchange of US 160 and US 550 east of Durango at Farmington Hill.
"Rural Colorado faces unique challenges when it comes to highway and road funding. Our area is competing with bigger cities to improve their roads and infrastructures,” Rep. Salazar said. “We need to put real resources into improving the roads and infrastructure in rural Colorado. The expansion and improvement of Highways 160 and 550 are a priority for the community and safety in the entire region. This $12 million will go a long way to making travel to and from Durango safer and more accessible."
"CDOT is appreciative of Congressman Salazar's commitment toward securing federal funding to be spent on priority projects in southwest Colorado," said Russell George, CDOT executive director.  "Without his leadership, $12 million in federal transportation funds could have been in jeopardy."
Joelle Riddle, Chair of the La Plata County Board of Commissioners noted, “We are thrilled that Congressman Salazar has succeeded in getting this funding through Congress to improve our local highways.  These funds are crucial and enable us to provide safer and more efficient travel to the people in our county. We deeply appreciate Congressman Salazar’s work on behalf of all county residents.”
This bill now awaits the signature of the President of the United States.


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