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Congressman John T. Salazar -- Defending Rural Values -- Third District of Colorado
  For immediate release  
  January 9, 2007  

Congressman John Salazar Votes For 9/11 Commission Act


New move will  secure  borders and improve homeland security

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Congressman John Salazar will vote today to make America safer by supporting H.R. 1, "Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007." 
This bill will allow Congress to significantly increase homeland security by completing the recommendations the 9/11 Commission submitted in 2004.
"This is one of many steps that Congress will take this year to finally start moving America in a new direction.  To not fulfill the commission's recommendations and jeopardize our country's safety for the last three years is unacceptable.  After the horrifying terrorist attack of 9/11, we cannot afford to take our security for granted," said Congressman Salazar.  
The bipartisan commission recommendations include improving emergency communications, strengthening aviation security, inspecting cargo containers, and more money protecting cities that are at a higher risk for a terrorist attack.  

“From the beginning, I have been pushing Congress to complete the 9/11 recommendations to secure our borders and improve our homeland security,” said Salazar.  “It’s crucial that our nation’s leaders do everything they can to secure our borders and make our country as safe as possible.    Implementing these recommendations is a big step in the right direction.”  
For the rest of the week, Congress will vote on key measures that will make a difference in day-to-day life for Americans including increasing the minimum wage for working families, supporting stem cell research to save lives, and lowering the cost of prescription drugs for seniors.



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