Sixth District of New Jersey

CONTACT: Richard McGrath/Erin Bzymek

May 20, 2010

(202) 225-4671

Pallone on the One Month Anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Washington, D.C. - Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. Thursday released the following statement on the one month anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that killed 11 workers and continues to spew into the Gulf.

     “One month ago today the safety measures on an offshore drilling rig failed causing the death of 11 workers and a broken pipe that continues to spew oil into the Gulf. This incident proves offshore drilling isn’t safe at any depth. The impact of this disaster on marine life is already staggering and we will continue to feel the environmental and economic impacts for years to come.  

     “We’ve learned hard lessons from this spill that we won’t soon forget in New Jersey and across the country.  I have introduced legislation to both prevent this from happening again and hold big oil responsible for this mess.  The No New Drilling Act of 2010 permanently bans any new exploration and offshore drilling nationwide. The Big Oil Bailout Prevention Act of 2010 makes it so that the monetary liability reflects the scale of potential damage because the oil companies should pay the cost of all associated damages of a spill.  

     “We cannot drill our way to energy independence and lower gas prices, which is reason enough to move towards energy independence by harnessing renewable sources of energy such as wind, hydro, and solar power. Our shores are too valuable to allow a tragedy like this to occur again on the east coast, or anywhere in the U.S. for that matter.”  

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