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Health Care

With health care costs spiraling upward at an unsustainable rate and health insurance companies increasingly focused on maximizing profits instead of quality of care, it is clear that the health insurance market is broken and in need of immediate reform.

We must make certain that the reforms slow the growth of out-of-control costs, introduce competition and transparency, eliminate coverage denials for pre-existing conditions, protect our choice of doctors and health plans, and that ensures that all Americans have access to quality, stable and affordable health care. Additionally, these reforms must reduce our national debt and strengthen Medicare.

Congress has undertaken a long, deliberative and purposeful process in developing how best to achieve these goals. The House has held about 100 hearings on health care since 2007, and House members have met with constituents with some 3,000 health care events across the country. Additionally, three House committees have spent more than 160 hours on hearings and markups of health care legislation.

For information detailing what the American Affordable Health Care Act would impact North Carolina’s First Congressional District click here.

For further information about the American Affordable Healthcare Act click here.