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As the son of an educator, I know that education is the best investment that we can make. A solid learning foundation make sure that Americans can continue to lead the global market, and ensures that all Americans have an equal opportunity to succeed in life.

Congress will soon consider reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Since becoming law in 2002, NCLB has had a deep impact on students and teachers. As Congress seeks to improve NCLB, it must make certain that helps students, teachers and parents overcome the challenges facing our schools.

Currently, the House Committee on Education and Labor is working bipartisan reforms. Groups and stakeholders are invited and encouraged to email their input and suggestions.  You can do so by clicking here.

In looking at higher education, the rising cost of a college education continues to squeeze millions of students and families who rely on access to an affordable education to compete in the competitive job market and to pursue the American dream.

No one should be denied the opportunity to go to college simply because of the cost. Unfortunately, many Americans are unable to afford college. Tuition at four-year public colleges has grown substantially in recent years. Students and families are taking on increasing amounts of debt, and each year nearly 200,000 students are holding off going to college, or skipping it altogether, because they cannot afford it.

Important steps have been taken, but Congress must still work to ensure that everyone has access to an affordable education. Some of those steps include: