Press Releases


--U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis has been named to the exclusive House Financial Services Committee by the Democratic Steering Committee.

Davis said Financial Services is a well regarded committee assignment with jurisdiction over the banking and insurance industry, Federal monetary policy, securities, housing, and international finance.

"I believe the Fourth District will be well served by this committee assignment," Davis said. "Financial Services' broad jurisdictional scope allows us to investigate the financing of terrorism, examine financial privacy issues, protect consumers of financial services, and monitor corporate governances to protect Americans from Enron type fiascos."

Davis said he sought the assignment because it offers a unique opportunity to work on consumer protection issues not offered in other committees.

"I believe our government's ability to protect its citizens is special," he said. "Serving on this committee will hopefully allow me to be a key figure in finding solutions to identity theft issues, reducing terrorist financed activities, and protecting Americans from corporate abuses."

Davis will be sworn in for a third term when the 110th Congress convenes on January 4, 2007.

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