Welch grills Tony Hayward about BP safety record

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RepPeterWelch | June 17, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) grilled BP CEO Tony Hayward about the company's safe...

RepPeterWelch | June 17, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) grilled BP CEO Tony Hayward about the company's safety record at an Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing.

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  • the main reason for the US's anger is that they're gonna have to pay more for fuel… even when they pay a quarter of what all Europeans pay. I know that when we run out of oil (which is about 80 years from now) the US are gonna be royally screwed.

  • The last 10 seconds of the clip says it all. Tony isn't gonna help any1. This fucker should be behind bars in some South American gang prison!

  • @Searaybeach This is what happens when the government doesn't care for the people like it should. This is what happens when people fear the government and feel like they don't have any power. This is what happens when environmentalists' words fall upon deaf ears of the corporations.

    Now we have a mess that's going to take generations to fix.

  • We need to blame ourselves first...dependence on oil and the joy of a ride on the highway. Natural Gas was at 140 years of resources in 1992. Would have made a nice bridge fuel moving forward. Now the rest of the world is moving to H2...for those that follow the energy sector. Maybe catch up with Germany, the UK, Asia, India, as they lead in energy secs rather than remain dependent on such dirty fuels. But that is common sense and we surely didn't see any of that in the hearings today!



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