Breaking Ground on Ramsey Veterans' Clinic

Michele's Corner

Time for Attorney General Eric Holder to Resign The Wikileaks debacle is the latest proof that Eric Holder has no understanding of the dangerous times we live in. His ineptness, as head of the Department of Justice, is putting our nation in a vulnerable position. The time has come for Eric Holder to step down as Attorney General of the United States. As a member of Congress and a mother of five children, I am concerned about the very real threats facing our country. We need a chief law enforcement officer who understands those dangers and knows how to respond.

A Wake Up Call for Governments Around the World First Greece was granted a bailout by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Now Ireland has been granted a massive bailout totaling $113 billion. Soon Portugal, Spain and Italy may line up to escape their dire financial straits. When will the perpetual bailouts end? What is true for individuals, families, small businesses, townships, cities, counties, states must also be true for countries; create a balanced budget and don’t spend more than you take in.