Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 25, 2010
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


Chairman Levin: Senate Republicans Should Withdraw Objections to Emergency Extension of Critical Benefits

(Washington D.C.)- Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-MI) issued the following statement tonight after Senate Republicans repeatedly blocked attempts to advance emergency legislation to extend critical unemployment and health care benefits, ensure Medicare beneficiaries reliable access to their doctors, and extend other programs set to expire at the end of the month:

“Last time it was Senator Bunning who threw the curveball threatening the wellbeing of millions of American families, this time Senator Coburn is the one throwing curveballs, but the target is the same – hardworking families who rely on these critical benefits.  Extending unemployment and other benefits to these families represents an emergency situation and should be expedited accordingly. 

“This emergency one-month extension passed the House unanimously and should move through the Senate with the same sense of urgency.  I hope the Senate will step up to the plate tomorrow and that Senate Republicans will withdraw their objections to these emergency benefits for millions of families who desperately need them.”
