Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
October 29, 2009
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


Levin Statement on Health Care Reform

(Washington D.C.)- The House Democratic Caucus released the Affordable Health Care for America Act, legislation to lower health costs, expand access to care, and bring new competition and fairness to the insurance market.  Congressman Levin made the following statement regarding the legislation.

“This Act provides a major breakthrough after decades of inaction on comprehensive health care reform.  Where our present system works, this reform builds on it, maintaining the commitment we made from the beginning: if you like the coverage you have, you’ll be able to keep it.

“At the same time, reform makes pioneering improvements where the present system is broken: reining in escalating costs that are making health insurance increasingly unaffordable; providing choices for the 45 million Americans who lack insurance and shift the cost of their care to others; eliminating defects in the quality of care; and ending private insurance abuses, including denial of coverage because of a pre-existing condition and discrimination due to age or gender.

“The legislation creates a new health insurance exchange where people who don’t get insurance from their employers will have access to a wide range of affordable health care choices.  These choices will include a range of private plans and a public option, which will increase competition and help drive down costs.  The bill also takes important steps to update our payment system to improve coordination of care.

“For seniors, the legislation specifically strengthens Medicare by lowering prescription drug costs and eliminating copayments for preventive care.”

To view a copy of the Affordable Health Care for America Act, H.R. 3926, click here.

To view a bill summary, detailed fact sheets and more information on what the health insurance reform will mean for America, click here.

Quick Facts on Health Care in Michigan

• 11 percent of people in Michigan are uninsured, and 76 percent of them are in families with at least one full-time worker.

• Since 2000 alone, average family premiums have increased by 77 percent in Michigan.

• High costs block access to care: 12 percent of people in Michigan report not visiting a doctor due to high costs.
