Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
October 15, 2010
Hilarie Chambers
Office: 202.225.4961


Levin Statement on Investigation into Unfair Chinese Trade Practices in the Green Technology Sector

(Washington D.C.)- Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-MI) released the following statement today following the announcement by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk that the U.S. will launch a Section 301 investigation into China’s unfair trade practices in the green technology sector:

“The Obama Administration's quick decision to move forward on unfair Chinese trade practices in the green technology sector contained in the Steelworkers' petition is a strong signal of support for U.S. businesses and workers.  China is using unfair trade practices to try to dominate the market in solar panels, wind turbines and other products in this important jobs-creating sector and those practices must be vigorously challenged.  Green technology is a critical emerging sector, in which American workers, manufacturers, farmers and innovators excel.  In order to thrive and take full advantage of the green technology revolution, unfair trade practices and other obstacles to fair competition must be removed.

“Last month, 178 Democrats were joined by only three Republicans in sending a letter to the Administration urging USTR to take decisive action on the basis of this petition.  Now that USTR has announced its intention to proceed, I hope that more Republicans will get behind this effort and ensure that the Administration has the resources it needs to challenge China's misconduct.  Republicans must not let their anti-government rhetoric, which grows by the day on the campaign trail, undermine the vital role government must play in standing up for U.S. businesses and workers in the global marketplace.

“Yesterday, the Department of Commerce announced that August's trade deficit with China reached a new record, underscoring the fact that China's unfair trade practices, compounded by its manipulation of its currency, are causing serious harm to U.S. workers, manufacturers, farmers, and innovators.  The status quo is neither sustainable nor acceptable and that is why today's announcement is so important.”

