Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
July 23, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Great Lakes Compact Introduced in Congress
  Agreement Among Great Lakes States Aims to Prevent Water Diversion
(Washington D.C.)-  The Great Lakes Compact, a measure designed to ensure Great Lakes water is not diverted to other regions, will be introduced today in Congress.  The agreement prohibits the bulk diversion of water from the Great Lakes, with very limited exceptions.  The Compact further establishes a comprehensive management framework to protect this shared resource and requires Great Lake states to regulate their own large-scale water use.

Congressman Sander Levin today issued the following statement:

“The Great Lakes are one of this country’s natural crown jewels, but we risk losing them unless additional steps are taken to protect the Lakes from excessive demands.  We’re in a much stronger position to protect the Great Lakes with the Compact than without it.  The ratification of the Compact by Congress is key to that effort.”

The Compact, an agreement among the eight states bordering the Great Lakes, requires congressional approval and the president’s signature to take effect. Historically, states and the federal government have supported interstate compacts to address issues of water supply, water quality and flood control.  There are more than 41 interstate water compacts that have been entered into by states and consented to by Congress over the years. 
