Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
July 21, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
First Unemployment Extension Checks to be Sent Tomorrow
(Washington D.C.)-  Unemployed individuals throughout Michigan will receive much needed assistance this week, as the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency begins distributing Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) checks tomorrow.  Congress enacted the nationwide, 13-week unemployment insurance extension last month and, after opposing an extension all year, President Bush relented and signed the extension into law June 30.  Individuals who first claimed regular unemployment benefits on or after May 7, 2006 and have since exhausted their regular 26 weeks of benefits are now eligible for the extension.  Those exhausting their regular benefits in the coming months are eligible to file for an extension through March 28 of 2009. 

Congressman Sander Levin, a vocal proponent of extended unemployment benefits since January, issued the following statement:

“I have heard from hundreds of Michigan residents, either in person or through letters to my office, who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own and are struggling to afford mortgage payments, health care and rising food and gas costs.  The unemployed people who have contacted me come from widely varying backgrounds, industries and education levels.  Many are unemployed for the first time in their lives. 

“This week, unemployed Michiganders will finally begin receiving some long overdue assistance as they continue their search for work.  In the coming months, we will be ready to fight to sustain the extended benefit program for people who continue to be unemployed in a difficult job market.”

With the highest unemployment rate in the nation at 8.5%, Michigan was especially in need of a benefit extension.  The number of unemployed people in Michigan has risen nearly 20% in the last year.   The number of long-term unemployed is also at record levels.  Nationally, the number of people unemployed for at least 26 weeks has risen to 1.6 million—up 37% in the past year.

For details of the national Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, click here.

For more information on the distribution of EUC checks in Michigan, click here.
