Congressman Sandy Levin : Press Release : House Votes to Increase Funding for Renewable Energy and Vehicle Technology
Congressman Sandy Levin


Press Releases

For Immediate Release
July 18, 2007
House Votes To Increase Funding for Renewable Energy and Vehicle Technology
Measure Includes Funds to Dredge the Clinton River near Mount Clemens
(Washington D.C.) -  With rising energy costs hitting consumers hard, and with growing concern over our dependence on foreign oil, the House of Representatives voted, 312 to 112, to significantly increase funding for renewable energy, energy efficiency, and new vehicle technology. The new research and development funding was included in the annual funding bill by the Department of Energy and the Army Corps of Engineers.

The Energy and Water bill includes $1.9 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs, including solar and geothermal energy research, biofuels development, energy efficient buildings, and weatherization grants.  The bill passed by the House $638 million more on renewables and energy efficiency programs than was called for in the Bush Administration’s budget request. 

“With energy prices rising through the ceiling, we cannot continue business as usual,” said Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI). “We need to invest in developing sources of clean energy here at home.  This bill does that.”

The measure also includes $235 million for collaborative research between the federal government and industry to develop technology breakthroughs to reduce petroleum use by automobiles and trucks of all sizes, including R&D on lightweight materials, electronic power control, advanced batteries, and hybrid electric drive motors.  The funding provided for vehicle technologies was $59 million more than the Bush Administration requested.

The Energy and Water bill also provides a total of $5.5 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers.  Part of the funding will begin to address a $1 billion backlog of operations and maintenance needs to sustain the nation’s coastal and inland navigation infrastructure as well as flood protection.

The bill included $660,000 Rep. Levin requested on behalf of the City of Mount Clemens to dredge the Clinton River from the I-94 overpass west to the Crocker Street Bridge.  The purpose of the dredging project is to remove sediment from the federally authorized navigation channel. 

"The dredging of the Clinton River through Mount Clemens is integral to the economic prosperity and quality of life in this City." said William J. Cooper, Mt. Clemens City Manager. "The dredging will increase the water quality by removing areas prone to sedimentation, and will create a blueway transportation route from Lake St. Clair to our downtown, promoting visitor traffic via the water to our City's shops, restaurants and public amenities."

“Sedimentation has reduced the depth of the River in some locations to less than three feet, so it’s high time that the federal government dredged the channel,” added Rep. Levin.  “Passage of this funding by the House is a good start.  Now we have to get a final Energy and Water bill through the Congress and get the President to sign it.” 

A similar effort to win dredging funds for the Clinton River ran aground last year when the Republican Congress failed to take final action on the 2007 Energy and Water funding bill.


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