Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
July 14, 2010
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


House Democrats and Unemployed Workers Rally Behind Unemployment Benefit Exension
  Unemployed workers join Members in their fight to extend UI programs

(Washington D.C.)- Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander Levin (D-MI) and Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman Jim McDermott (D-WA) joined fellow Committee and House Members at an event to urge Senate Republicans to end their filibuster and help pass H.R. 5618, the Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act. Joining the Members were unemployed workers Barbara Banaszewski and Louise Long who highlighted the real-life emergency facing millions of American families who rely on unemployment benefits to make ends meet.

There is a national emergency facing millions of Americans,” said Ways and Means Committee Chairman Levin.  “But it is an emergency of the most  personal nature for the millions of unemployed workers and their families. Their ability to put food on the table, pay their rent and focus on finding their next job is being put to the test by a few Senate Republicans who would rather play political games than help the unemployed of this country.  This is simply unacceptable. ”

The event featured an electronic display showing a live, running tally of unemployed Americans losing their benefits due to Senate Republican obstruction of H.R. 5618. The counter showed an increase of nearly 2,000 workers during the 45 minute event, ending with roughly 2,322,000 workers having lost their benefits due to the continued Republican filibuster.  The live counter can be viewed on the Ways and Means Committee home page:

“Republicans have become the proud party of hypocrisy,” said Subcommittee Chairman Jim McDermott. “They say they won’t vote for restoring unemployment benefits because the bill is not paid for.  This from the same party that had no problem spending one trillion dollars on two wars, and gave tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires—neither of which were paid for. Last night, millions of families all over America had trouble putting dinner on the table because of Republican obstruction. It’s hypocritical and callous. I hope that Republicans in the Senate will find the courage to buck their party and finally give these workers the lifeline they need.”

Putting a face on the staggering number of unemployed losing their benefits were two hard-working women from Maryland who both lost jobs recently after decades of work.

“After all these years I never thought that when I needed my country to help me and help everyone out there, they would turn their backs on us,” said Barbara Banaszewski. “We are a country that helps in times of crisis. How dare they turn their back on us now! I say to you, approve this [legislation]. Keep us going. Let us have our integrity. Respect us; we respect you. We sent you here. Don’t turn your back on us now.”

Banaszewski went on to cite the ways unemployment benefits would help the economy. “It goes back into the economy. It pays for rent. It keeps the grocery stores going. It does not get outsourced. It does not go outside the United States. The money stays here.”

“I calculated with my unemployment and my savings, I could survive until March of 2011, but now that my unemployment insurance is gone, I may not be able to make it after December,” said Louise Long. “I’m not looking for a free ride or any handout; I’m just looking for an opportunity for myself to get back in the work world, because that’s what I was raised to do.”

Click here for additional information about unemployment insurance.

