Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
June 29, 2010
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


“Extending Unemployment Benefits is An Emergency for the Community of the United States of America”

(Washington D.C.)- Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-MI) made the following statement on the House Floor today in support of H.R. 5618, the Restoration of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.  The legislation, introduced by Chairman Levin and Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman Jim McDermott (D-WA) would extend unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through November.
“Those who vote ‘no’ have no place to hide. This is an emergency for 1.7 million people and their families right now. Therefore it's an emergency for the community of the United States of America. That 1.7 million will grow and grow under this banner that is floated by the Republicans.

“The excuses fall of their own lack of weight. They could not find a single Republican in the Senate to vote for legislation that would create jobs and extend unemployment benefits, so they finger point at those who acted and excuse those who refuse to act.

“Republicans bring up the deficit, a deficit that grew under the previous Administration. They can't hide behind that. This is an emergency. They have not come up with any responsible, feasible way to excuse inaction. Unemployment insurance was extended many times under Republican Presidents, so they don't even have that excuse. There's no excuse.  What was done under previous Administrations, Republican and Democratic, should be done right today.

“I’m afraid Republicans don't see that there's an emergency for the soon-to-be two million families without benefits.  In terms of economic growth, when you provide unemployment insurance to people, they spend it. So if Republicans are worried about growth and consumer demand, they should work to put money in the pockets of people who are desperate, who are out of work, who are looking for work. Instead, they turn their backs on them.

“I want to read a story. I met this person in Hazel Park, Michigan, last weekend. He served three years and nine months in the U.S. Army, including a year tour in Iraq. He has an Associate’s degree from a community college and a Bachelor’s degree. He was employed by a loan company, a mortgage company as a broker, and then the mortgage crisis came and he was laid off. He was unemployed for three months and then he was hired by K-mart as an assistant store manager. He was laid off in 2009, August, due to store closing. He has currently approximately four weeks left on his extension due to expire on July 14.

“There are 1.7 million people like this gentleman in America today. I don't know how Republicans look them in the face. I don't know how they explain a ‘no’ vote. I think the flimsy arguments that are used won't work in this hall and won't work back home.

“This is an emergency. I really can't believe that Republicans are going to come here and vote ‘no.’ They're voting ‘no’ for millions. They're voting ‘no’ for what I think is best for the United States of America. We are a community of people. When people lose their jobs and can't find them, we don't stand and simply stand idly by. This is the time for Republicans to stand up, and the only way to stand up is to vote ‘yes.’

“I plead on behalf of the millions of people in this country out of work looking for jobs that Republicans stand with us to provide the unemployment insurance that Americans have worked for and that should be provided. Don’t turn your backs on them. In the end there will be no excuse.”

Click here to watch a video of Chairman Levin’s statement.
Click here for more information on H.R. 5618.
