Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
May 6, 2009
Hilarie Chambers
Office: 202.225.4961
Michigan Delegation Spotlights Specific Actions for Obama’s Auto Community Czar

(Washington D.C.)- Rep. Sander Levin issued the following statement after release of the Michigan Delegation’s letter to Ed Montgomery, the Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, appointed by President Obama.  Dr. Montgomery will be holding a Community Forum in Warren on Friday.

“The President indicated that Michigan has an advocate in Ed Montgomery, and we are going to make sure that we leverage his work to the fullest on behalf of Michigan families, communities and businesses,” said Rep. Sander Levin.  “As we fight for the effective restructuring and viability plans of Chrysler-Fiat and GM, we must support our communities and invest in transforming our future.”

The letter from the entire Michigan delegation describes specific actions that Ed Montgomery can take to assist Michigan fully benefit from the Economic Recovery Act programs.  The letter also asks him to play a leadership role as part of the President’s Auto Task Force in looking after the concerns of auto suppliers, auto dealers and consumers as GM and Chrysler continue their restructuring efforts.

The Delegation  Press Release and Letter are below:

Michigan Congressional Delegation Calls on Obama Administration to Provide Assistance & Investment During Period of Transition

Washington, DC – All 17 Members of the Michigan Congressional Delegation – 15 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 2 United States Senators - sent the following letter to Dr. Ed Montgomery, Director of Recovery for Auto Workers and Communities, discussing opportunities for federal investment in the State of Michigan.  Dr. Montgomery will be in Michigan on Thursday and Friday of this week to listen and learn about the problems facing Michigan and to discuss his role in the Obama Administration’s plan to support and revitalize auto industry workers and communities.  Click here to view the letter from the Members to Dr. Montgomery.
