Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
April 2, 2010
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


Chairman Levin Statement on Jobs Figures

(Washington D.C.)- Ways and Means Committee Chairman Sander M. Levin (D-MI) issued the following statement on employment data released today by the Department of Labor showing that 162,000 new jobs were created in March, the largest number of new jobs in three years:

“Today’s numbers show that while we have made some progress, much more is needed to help continue creating new jobs for hardworking Americans.  Last month President Obama signed legislation to give businesses tax incentives to hire new workers and expand successful financing tools that create jobs improving our cities and towns.  The House built on this important law by passing additional legislation to make it easier for small businesses to grow and for local governments to raise capital to fund important projects and hire new workers.  The Senate should now take up this small business and infrastructure package so we can get it to the President’s desk for his signature.  The House will also soon begin discussions on additional measures to strengthen domestic energy production, particularly renewable energy, and create new green jobs.  I look forward to leading this discussion in the Ways and Means Committee and working with my colleagues to continue our economic recovery.

“As this discussion continues, we need speedy action to maintain help for American families dealing with the greatest amount of long-term unemployment in decades.  This means ending the Republican hold in the Senate and moving forward with an extension for emergency unemployment compensation and COBRA health care assistance immediately when the Senate returns on April 12th.”
