Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 18, 2009
Hilarie Chambers
Office: 202.225.4961
Ways and Means Committee Preparing Legislation
to Tax AIG Bonuses
(Washington D.C.)- The Ways and Means Committee met this morning to prepare legislation that would tax the bonuses provided to AIG executives from taxpayer funds.

“Taxpayer monies should not be spent to provide bonuses to the same executives who contributed to the meltdown in our financial markets,” said Rep. Sander Levin.  “We have the authority through the tax code to recoup these monies for the taxpayer and we should do so immediately.”

“It is vital in our effort to restore stability to the financial system that the public feels these funds are being spent prudently and in a manner targeted to bring relief to Main Street.  These outrageous AIG bonuses undercut efforts to build trust, transparency and any sense of fairness, and must be stopped,” concluded Levin.

The Ways and Means Committee is consulting with Senate Finance and the Obama Administration and legislation could be considered in the U.S. House in the next days.
