Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 9, 2009
Hilarie Chambers
Office: 202.225.4961
Bright Day for Science – Hopeful Day for Millions of Americans
(Washington D.C.)- Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI) issued the following statement after President Obama’s signing of an Executive Order lifting the federal ban on embryonic stem cell research.

“A heavy burden has been lifted today from the shoulders of American scientists seeking to understand and potentially cure the most devastating diseases that impact each and every one of our families.”

“We cannot be certain that a cure for many devastating diseases will come from the promise of this research, but we can be certain that we will never achieve its promise if we do not re-open this door to scientific research,” said Rep. Sander Levin.

In 2001, President Bush limited federal funding to a small number of existing embryonic stem cell lines, severely curtailing the amount of scientific discovery that could come from the research.  Congress twice approved legislation by broad bi-partisan majorities that would have expanded the number of stem cell lines that could be studied with federally research funds.  Both bills would have only allowed the use of excess embryos created for in vitro fertilization that would have otherwise been discarded, and required permission of the donors of the embryos.  President Bush vetoed both pieces of legislation. 

President Obama’s executive order reverses President Bush’s policy and allows researchers to gain federal support for seeking the full range of cures and therapies that stem cell research may unlock.
