Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
January 27, 2009
Hilarie Chambers
Office: 202.225.4961
Economic Recovery Plan Creates Jobs, Provides Tax Cuts to Families and Businesses and Makes Key Investments in Our Economic Future
(Washington D.C.)- Earlier today the House of Representatives began debate on H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including provisions approved by the Committee on Ways and Means.  The House is expected to vote on the measure tomorrow afternoon. Rep. Sander Levin spoke about the urgency of the recovery package this evening during the debate and filed the following Floor Statement in support of the legislation:

“There is a crisis of confidence in our country.  Much of it related to the meltdown that has occurred within the financial system.

“But there is also an uncertainty on the part of everyday people across this country about whether they will be able to maintain the basics in their lives.  They wonder if the bottom is going to fall out from beneath their families. 

“People are worried about their jobs and whether they will be able to meet the mortgage payment.  This bill contains funds to create jobs by building roads, sewers, a new electric grid and other needed infrastructure.  It also contains a tax cut for 95% of working Americans.

“People are worried about whether they’ll have health insurance for themselves and their families.  This bill provides a 65% subsidy for COBRA health care coverage for unemployment workers.  There is another provision that will allow people to qualify temporarily for Medicaid until they find another job or alternative health care.  It is estimated that these two provisions will provide health insurance to more than 8 million people.   

“They’re worried about the cutbacks they see happening in education and how it will affect their kids.  And they wonder if they will be able to send their children to college.  This bill contains funding for states and school districts to prevent deep cuts in critical education programs and modernize and repair schools.  The bill also boosts Pell grants by $500 to make college more affordable.

“As much as anything, people are wondering whether the federal government is going to take action to help them -- or will the old political divisions keep this Congress from taking effective action to help people in their daily lives.

By passing this bill, we show that we will step up to the plate and help address these concerns.  This bill is a first step.  Other steps will be needed, but this recovery package is a good beginning.”
