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For Immediate Release
January 20, 2010
Alan Mlynek
Office: 202.225.4961


Southeast Michigan Awarded $2 Million to Provide Training and Placement in Clean Energy Jobs
  Grants partner industry, labor, and workforce organizations to train workers in solar energy and advanced energy storage fields

(Washington D.C.)- The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that the State of Michigan is the recipient of a State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grant to train workers in the skills demanded by local renewable energy and energy efficiency firms and place the workers into jobs.  The state’s grant application calls for $2,092,290 to be used in Southeast Michigan for training in advanced energy storage and solar energy.  The funding, awarded as part of the Recovery Act, will utilize key partnerships between industry, labor, and workforce organizations.

“Today’s announcement gives another important boost to Michigan’s training and economic development initiatives by strengthening a vital private-public partnership for training and placement in emerging energy jobs,” said Rep. Levin.  “While workers train for new jobs, we must also redouble our efforts to encourage job growth and get credit flowing to small businesses so they can expand.”
State-wide, Michigan received $5.8 million for worker training and placement.  Funding in Southeast Michigan will be divided between two industry sectors: Advanced Energy Storage and Solar Energy. 

Advanced Energy Storage
Michigan will leverage its partnership with advanced energy storage employers and the $1.36 billion previously awarded by U.S. Department of Energy grants to create an Advanced Battery Skills Alliance in Southeast Michigan. This alliance will provide undergraduate and/or graduate level training and placement assistance to meet the workforce needs of a variety of Advanced Energy Storage employers and a range of occupations including: design, development and test engineers and technicians, assemblers, technologists, and engineers across several concentrations.  Training will be provided by Wayne State University, Michigan Technological University, Macomb Community College, and A&E Technology.

Employer Partners: A&D Technology, Inc., A123 Systems, ABB, ALTe, Compact Power, Dow Kokam, Exoca, Fanuc, General Motors, Battery Lab, Hirata, Lotus Engineering, Johnson Controls, Magna, Mahle, Rousch

Other Key Partners: Macomb-St. Clair County Michigan Works!, Southeast Michigan Community Alliance (SEMCA) Michigan Works!, Wayne State University (WSU), Michigan Technological University (MTU), Detroit Regional Chamber, Engineering Society of Detroit, Macomb Community College (MCC)

Total allocation: $1,676,742

Solar Energy
Training will consist of the Energy Technology – Renewable Energy Basic and Advanced Certificate programs offered through Henry Ford Community College.  Participants will be trained and placed as chemical process technicians, solar engineering technicians, and installers.

Employers Partners: ECD Unisolar Ovonics, Power Panel, Solar Works LLC, Harland Electric LLC, Xtreme Power, Clairvoyant, Luma, GM Engineers and Associates, Casa de Santiago, Power Panel, Mechanical Energy Systems

Other Key Partners: Macomb-St. Clair County Michigan Works!, Livingston County Michigan Works!, Henry Ford Community College, Next Energy

Total allocation: $415,548
