Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
May 1, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
House Approves $1 Million in
Funding for Roseville Road Repair 
(Washington D.C.)-  The House of Representatives yesterday approved over $1 million in funding for road repairs in Roseville.  The funds were approved as part of a transportation package, HR 1195, which makes corrections to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which passed by a vote of 358-51.  With the Senate previously approving the legislation, the package will now be sent to the president for his signature.

The $1,024,000 in federal funds will be used for patching, resurfacing and drainage improvements on Martin Rd. between Groesbeck Hwy. (M-97) and Gratiot Ave. (M-3).  Congressman Sander Levin worked extensively with Roseville officials to secure the funding.

“Keeping Martin Road in good condition is important for local businesses and travelers,” Rep. Levin said.  “This repair will ease travel for parents and school buses dropping off and picking students at Roseville Jr. High.  Roseville leaders have told me that this project is among their top road work priorities, and this funding should go a long way in helping to provide necessary repairs.”

“Cuts in revenue sharing from the State of Michigan, as well as declining property values, are placing a tremendous stress on our operating budget,” said Steve Truman, Roseville City Manager.  “As a result, we are no longer able to supplement our road funds to make necessary repairs.  Any funding that we receive from the Federal Government for the Martin Road Project will provide much needed relief to the residents and businesses that rely on this road.”

Rep. Levin originally secured funding for road work on Frazho Road in Roseville in the last major SAFETEA-LU transportation bill.  However, as Roseville was able secure funding through the state for that project, Rep. Levin worked to keep the money in Roseville and reprogram the funds to be used on Martin Road. 
