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Internship Opportunities

Congressman Kind's Washington, D.C. office is currently accepting applications for internships. Duties include researching policy issues, responding to constituent mail, answering phones, distributing interoffice mail, and performing daily office tasks. Interns will have the opportunity to attend Congressional committee hearings, as well as other events. Candidates must be self-starters, professional communicators and have excellent writing and computer skills.

To apply for an internship, please submit a cover letter, resume, and writing sample. 


Spring 2010 Intern Class


April 1 for summer

August 1 for fall

December 1 for spring


Send information to:

Congressman Ron Kind
Attn: Meghan Roh
1406 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
PH: (202) 225 - 5506
FX: (202) 225 - 5739