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Western Wisconsin

Wisconsin's Third Congressional District follows the Mississippi River and spans almost the entire length of western Wisconsin, from Cuba City in the south to New Richmond in the north. The second largest district in the state, it is rich in Wisconsin's natural resources including abundant waters, towering bluffs, and plentiful farm land.

The first Europeans to settle in this part of the state were French fur traders, whose legacy remains today with the names of many towns in our area including Eau Claire, La Crosse, and Prairie du Chien. While La Crosse and Eau Claire remain the largest cities in the district, there is a vibrant history to be found throughout western Wisconsin. For example, Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 near Pepin, Wisconsin, and went on to become one of the most celebrated authors in American history after her Little House series, and in particular Little House on the Prairie. Platteville, originally named for the nearby Platte River, was the site of a huge mining boom in the 1800’s, which drove people to the area and helped found the teacher’s college and mining college that would become University of Wisconsin-Platteville.  And in 2009, the Iowa Country courthouse celebrated its 150th anniversary, making it the oldest operating courthouse in the state of Wisconsin. 

The 3rd District is fortunate to have such proud people within its borders, coupled by one of the richest and most vibrant histories in all of Wisconsin.