Grayson: What Republicans Can Do With Their Tax Cuts For The Rich

RepAlanGrayson 170 videos Alert iconSubscribed
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RepAlanGrayson | November 17, 2010 | likes, 63 dislikes

Congressman Grayson (D-Fla.) gives some ideas of what the rich can do with th...

RepAlanGrayson | November 17, 2010 | likes, 63 dislikes

Congressman Grayson (D-Fla.) gives some ideas of what the rich can do with the extra $83,000 they will get each year from the Republican's plan for tax cuts. But Rep. Grayson has a better idea.

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  • AMAZING how many fools STILL believe in voodoo economics!

    Tried and failed under Reagan.

    Tried and failed MISERABLY under Bush, Jr.

    How many American jobs were LOST from 2001 to the present?

    But let's give them another 80 billion, while the unemployed millions can wonder how they will pay the rent and buy groceries this month.

    GObP..The party of NO til it comes to helping out their rich friends.

  • I guess the 62 people that disliked this must be millionaires.

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  • Find it amazing that our tax system requires the people who wait tables to report all their nickle and dime tips but US corporations who move their headquarters to places like Dubai and the Cayman Islands to avoid paying taxes to continue to do business in this country or worse, continue to receive contracts from our government/.

  • @Arikiel just regular gop losers that don't pay taxes like joe the plumber.

  • there are 63 brainless assholes that don't know shit about how the republicans are fucking up this country. Florida must have same very stupid and uninformed people down there, that don't know shit about politice, if they have voted for a republican.

  • Here's a hint, buddy: The powers that be and the corporations that influence them and corrupt our government with bribes and lobbying do not give two fucks about the American people. When all is said and done and the country finally falls apart under the weight of greed, These people will be on a yacht laughing their asses off as they sail to Europe and rinse and repeat.

  • @jbaldrar lol, enjoy your patriot act and poverty. Can't believe I wasted 3 years of my life in combat and overseas garrison to come home to a lower quality of life then I had in Europe because of the rich dick riding America has been doing lately.

  • @jbaldrar Also, management makes over 200k a year so stay off youtube okay?

  • For all of you that "hate the rich" like your hero the soon to be unemployed out Al Grayson, please stop the following. DRIVING: A Rich dude engineered that car and a rich dude owns the dealership that sold it to you. EATING: Rich dudes own farms and food processing plants. WORKING: I do not know one poor person that is hiring. BTW, a rich dude designed the computer your on, the software your using, and a rich dude heads up the power company supplying you electricity

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