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Issa Responds to Democrats "Worries" PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 13 September 2010 08:20

Real Clear Politics’ Erin McPike to MSNBC just now:

“That is the one thing that they’re worried about most – they’re most worried about Darrell Issa.  The more and more I talk to Democrats around Capitol Hill and who are connected to the White House, their top concern is Darrell Issa.  For whether or not they win the house, that is the biggest reason why they don’t want to lose this House to the Republicans.

From Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:

“It’s telling that the one thing Democrats appear to be preoccupied with and worried about is the idea of legitimate oversight.  It’s disappointing but not at all surprising that the Democrats are preoccupied with inventing scenarios about investigations that do not exist and are advancing partisan talking points rather than conducting actual oversight.  Our job is not to shut down government or the administration, but rather to get it to work better for the American people so that we can better stewards of their tax-dollars.  Let me be perfectly clear so there is no room for interpretation - oversight should make the people’s government work better for them.  Oversight should force the bureaucracy to identify and weed-out waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement.  Oversight should leverage the resources of the 21st Century to make the federal bureaucracy more transparent and more accountable for the American people.  If any Democrat finds that objectionable, they are welcome to make their case to the American people.”

Here are some of the more high-profile areas that Issa’s looked at since becoming Ranking Member of the Committee

  1. Countrywide’s VIP Program subpoena – also a report he released chronicling the program’s sphere of influence.
  2. Issa aggressively pushing for Akio Toyoda to testify to answer for Toyota’s profit at the expense of safety revelations
  3. Issa convinces Chairman Towns to join him in investigation of AIG’s counterparty deal
  4. His investigation of MMS and legislative proposal to reform MMS
  5. FDA-Salmonella Egg issues
  6. House passes Issa bill targeting RNC’s deceptive practice of using census look-alike mailers
  7. Issa’s essay on financial crisis published in Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
  8. Investigation into Johnson and Johnson regarding recall of children’s medicine
  9. Calling out GM for deceptive ad campaign
  10. SEC IG agrees to launch investigation at Issa’s request on Goldman Sachs suit
  11. Good government – small but effective effort on Issa calling out the Bureau of Printing and Engraving’s ridiculous gift card for employees program
  12. Call for probe into DC’s AIDS program abuse
  13. Investigation into Bonus Payments for Merrill Lynch
  14. SEC FOIA -
  15. Workplace safety -
  16. Inspector’s General -
  17. Administration’s Housing Program (HAMP and Hardest Hit Fund) -
  18. POGO Award Issa for Oversight Efforts -
  19. Mis-use of stimulus dollars
  20. Questions surrounding Administration’s job numbers -
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