U.S. Senator Russ Feingold

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Fact Sheet on Senator Feingold's Accomplishments

Fact Sheet on Senator Feingold's History of Bipartisanship

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Campaign Finance Reform

Key Points About the Citizens United v. FEC Decision

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC has opened the floodgates to corporate money in federal campaigns in ways we haven’t seen for nearly a century.  While for decades corporations have been able to set up special accounts, called PACs, to accept contributions and spend them on political activities, they have not been allowed to spend money from their vast corporate treasuries in connection with federal elections.  Citizens United v. FEC has changed all that.

Presidential Funding Act

U.S. Senators Russ Feingold and Susan Collins (R-ME) and U.S. Representatives David Price (D-NC) and Christopher Shays (R-CT) have introduced legislation to repair and strengthen the presidential public financing system. The Presidential Funding Act of 2007 addresses problems that have developed in the system, which was put in place following the Watergate scandal. The presidential public funding system is intended to protect the integrity of the electoral process by allowing presidential candidates to run competitive campaigns without becoming overly dependent on private donors.

Core of McCain-Feingold Untouched by Supreme Court Decision

While the Wisconsin Right to Life decision is disappointing, McCain-Feingold is alive and well. The primary purpose and achievement of McCain-Feingold was to ban unlimited “soft money” contributions. The Supreme Court’s decision in WRTL left this central provision of McCain-Feingold intact. The ban was upheld by the Supreme Court in its 2003 McConnell decision; it is being enforced, and remains in effect.

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Consumer Protections

The Arbitration Fairness Act of 2007

When Congress enacted the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), its goal was to allow an alternative forum for parties on equal footing to resolve their disputes. Yet a series of court decisions moved the law away from its original intent and opened the door for arbitration to be used to deprive ordinary citizens in employment, consumer, and franchise disputes of their constitutional right to use the civil justice system.

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Feingold and Ryan Team up to Target Wasteful Spending

Senator Russ Feingold and Congressman Paul Ryan introduced new legislation to create a line-item veto to target wasteful earmarks, improve congressional accountability, and deter lawmakers from inserting "Bridges to Nowhere" or other frivolous spending into future bills.

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Senator Feingold's Legislation to Reform No Child Left Behind's Mandates and Improve Federal Education Policy

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold will soon introduce two pieces of legislation to reform No Child Left Behind's testing mandates and improve federal education policy. Taken together, these bills will provide states and local districts with relief from NCLB's one size fits all accountability system and give states and local districts flexibility to be innovative in the design of their assessment systems.

Teachers at the Table Act

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold will be introducing the Teachers at the Table Act of 2007, a bill that would create a Volunteer Teacher Advisory Committee to advise Congress and the Department of Education on the impact of No Child Left Behind on students, their families, and the classroom learning environment. This legislation is the Senate companion to the Teachers at the Table Act introduced by Representatives Carolyn McCarthy and Lee Terry in the House and is fully paid for through offsets.

Improving Student Testing Act

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold will be introducing the Improving Student Testing Act of 2007, a bill that will make changes to the No Child Left Behind Act to improve the quality of education assessments used in our schools and support innovative state and local school reform efforts. The legislation is fully paid for through offsets.

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Feingold-Dodd-Menendez "Use It or Lose It" Bill

As Americans face record high energy and gas prices, there have been many suggestions from all sides about how to fix our energy problems. Oil companies and others are suggesting that we can cure our energy woes by opening more federal lands for drilling. But what many people don’t realize is that oil companies in this country already hold leases on 66 million acres of federal land that they are not developing. That is why U.S. Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI), Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) introduced the Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act, also known as “Use It or Lose It” legislation, to spur development on the lands that are already leased.

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Clean Water Restoration Act

October 18th, 2007 marks the 35th anniversary of Congress’s enactment of the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972. Earlier this year, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold introduced the Clean Water Restoration Act, a bill to restore the original protections of our nation’s rivers, streams and wetlands provided by the CWA. The bill is cosponsored by 19 senators and bipartisan companion legislation has been introduced by Rep. James Oberstar (D-MN), Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

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Foreign Policy

Feingold Timetable Bill for Afghanistan Part of Larger National Security Strategy

On April 14th, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold introduced bipartisan legislation requiring a timetable to draw down U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The legislation is one component of his broader vision for a comprehensive national security strategy to defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates around the world.

Feingold, Reid Push Administration to Put Fight Against al Qaeda First

As our open-ended presence in Iraq strains on our military to the breaking point, we face increasingly dangerous situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. U.S. Senator Russ Feingold and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have introduced legislation to force the administration to focus on those threats and draw down our troops in Iraq.

Feingold-Reid Bill to End the Open-Ended Military Mission in Iraq

The Feingold-Reid legislation requires the safe redeployment of U.S. troops by March 31, 2008. The Senate is expected to vote on Feingold-Reid during the upcoming debate over the Department of Defense authorization bill.

On Leading the Effort to Create and Extend the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR)

For over three years, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has led the effort to create and extend the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR.) The SIGIR serves as a watchdog over the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars allocated for Iraq reconstruction. The SIGIR's office has been effective in its role, uncovering a wide range of problems relating to the waste, fraud and abuse of U.S. taxpayer funds in Iraq.

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Government Reform

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act

The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, which the House and Senate will vote on this week, is landmark lobbying and ethics reform legislation. It includes many provisions that were contained in or are based on Sen. Feingold’s original bill, which was introduced in July 2005 (S. 1398), and/or the bill introduced by Senators Feingold and Obama in January 2007 (S. 230).

On Leading the Effort to Create and Extend the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR)

For over three years, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has led the effort to create and extend the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR.) The SIGIR serves as a watchdog over the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars allocated for Iraq reconstruction. The SIGIR's office has been effective in its role, uncovering a wide range of problems relating to the waste, fraud and abuse of U.S. taxpayer funds in Iraq.

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Health Care

Victories for Wisconsin in Senate Health Care Bill

While the bill is far from perfect, Senator Feingold supports the bill because of what it delivers for Wisconsin, and because the cost of inaction is simply too high. Here is some information how the bill will improve health care for Wisconsinites, and about the cost of inaction in our state.

Feingold-Graham State-Based Health Care Reform Act

The bill is designed to provide more uninsured Americans with health care coverage. The legislation seeks to accomplish this goal by establishing a pilot grant program to enable states or localities to propose and administer health insurance expansion projects. These state-based reforms will provide the country with the evidence and experience necessary to address nationwide health care reform.

Community-Based Health Care Retraining Bill

Senator Russ Feingold has introduced the Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act to help displaced workers retrain for jobs in the health care sector. The Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act would amend the Workforce Investment Act to help communities create programs that would retrain displaced workers and prepare them for high-demand health care jobs if a community has both significant manufacturing or service sector job losses and shortages in the health care professions.

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On the Affordable Housing Expansion and Public Safety Act

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has introduced the Affordable Housing Expansion and Public Safety Act, a bill that would provide housing assistance to Americans facing the current severe shortage of affordable housing. The legislation builds on effective federal programs and targets resources to the nation’s most vulnerable families. It is fully paid for through offsets, making funding available right away and allowing the programs to take effect immediately.

Gulf Coast Housing Accessibility Act of 2006

Senator Feingold has announced that he will introduce, the Gulf Coast Housing Accessibility Act, a bill that seeks to provide immediate and long-term housing assistance to the victims of last year’s hurricanes that devastated the Gulf Coast, as well as future disaster victims.

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National Security

Feingold Intelligence Reforms Pass Congress

The Fiscal Year 2010 Intelligence Authorization bill signed into law by President Obama on October 7, 2010 includes several major intelligence reforms sponsored by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI). Senator Feingold is a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Feingold Timetable Bill for Afghanistan Part of Larger National Security Strategy

On April 14th, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold introduced bipartisan legislation requiring a timetable to draw down U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The legislation is one component of his broader vision for a comprehensive national security strategy to defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates around the world.

Feingold, Reid Push Administration to Put Fight Against al Qaeda First

As our open-ended presence in Iraq strains on our military to the breaking point, we face increasingly dangerous situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. U.S. Senator Russ Feingold and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have introduced legislation to force the administration to focus on those threats and draw down our troops in Iraq.

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Rights and Freedoms

JUSTICE Act of 2009 Fact Sheet

The Judicious Use of Surveillance Tools In Counterterrorism Efforts (JUSTICE) Act would reform the USA PATRIOT Act, the FISA Amendments Act and other surveillance authorities to protect the constitutional rights of Americans while ensuring the government has the powers it needs to fight terrorism and collect intelligence. 

The New FISA Bill: A Bad Deal

The FISA deal announced on June 19 effectively grants retroactive immunity to companies that allegedly participated in the President’s illegal wiretapping program, and it does not provide adequate protections for innocent Americans. Title I of the new bill, which includes a dramatic expansion of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, does not include the most significant safeguards approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, and it does not include any of the amendments that Senator Feingold offered on the Senate floor earlier this year, each of which received 35 or more Democratic votes. These safeguards would have permitted the government to obtain the intelligence information it needs while also protecting the privacy of law-abiding Americans.

End Racial Profiling Act of 2007

In his address to a joint session of Congress on February 27, 2001, President George W. Bush declared that "racial profiling is wrong and we will end it in America." The End Racial Profiling Act of 2007 offers a reasonable and measured response to this destructive practice. The End Racial Profiling Act would, for the first time, prohibit the use of racial profiling by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and agents.

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Rule of Law

Call to Censure the President and Administration Officials

On Sunday, July 22, Senator Feingold announced that he will introduce two censure resolutions condemning the President, Vice President and possibly other administration officials for misconduct relating to the war in Iraq and for their repeated assaults on the rule of law. Below are some of the ways that these resolutions can both hold the President and his administration accountable, and allow Congress to focus on the many other pressing issues facing the country.


Senator Feingold’s resolution of censure condemns the President for breaking the law by authorizing an illegal wiretapping program, and for misleading Congress and the American people about the existence and legality of that program.

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Senator Feingold Fighting for Wisconsin Veterans

In Wisconsin, we are deeply proud of the men and women of our state who have served our country so courageously. Their profound sacrifice is the true definition of heroism. Throughout his career, Senator Feingold has supported numerous measures to ensure that those who have served in uniform receive the support they have earned through their selfless service to our nation.

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Working Wisconsinites

Small Business Bill

In conversations with small business leaders around the state, Senator Feingold has heard again and again about their inability to access credit, and this includes firms that have never missed a loan payment. The small business bill the Senate will take up this week gets right to the heart of the problem by helping free up credit for our small businesses.

Senator Feingold Supports Efforts to Pay for an Extension of Emergency Unemployment Benefits

In recent months, Senator Feingold has voted for five separate efforts to pay for an extension of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program (EUC08). And he opposed an effort to add non-emergency spending to legislation extending the benefits. We need to get our fiscal house in order after years of irresponsible budget policies, and Senator Feingold will continue to support efforts to offset the cost of these desperately needed benefits.

Recent Legislative Achievements for Wisconsin Businesses

The changing economy, flawed trade agreements, rising health care costs and energy prices have put communities and businesses across the Wisconsin in a difficult position. Senator Feingold has passed and supported a range of legislation to help Wisconsin businesses and create jobs.

Feingold Fighting for American Workers: Buy American Improvement Act Fact Sheet

Under current law, the federal government is supposed to support American manufacturers and American workers by buying goods made in the U.S., but the law contains loopholes that allow agencies to buy foreign goods in some circumstances. Legislation introduced by Senator Russ Feingold, the Buy American Improvement Act, will strengthen American manufacturing by making it harder to waive the Buy American requirement.

Feingold Jobs Tax Credit Fact Sheet

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold is drafting legislation to establish a temporary jobs tax credit to encourage firms to hire more workers. The legislation is based on a proposal from the Economic Policy Institute, and while precise details of that proposal may change as the legislation evolves, here are key facts about the tax credit as it stands now.

Efforts to Support Working Wisconsinites

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold supports a wide range of efforts to improve conditions for working families in Wisconsin. Earlier this year, he voted to increase the federal minimum wage and has backed a number of initiatives to support Wisconsin’s workers.

Resolution to Establish Minimum Trade Standards

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has introduced a resolution that establishes some minimum standards for the trade agreements into which our nation enters. The legislation addresses the major problems with our nation’s failed trade policies and sets forth principles for future trade agreements. It is a break with the so-called NAFTA model, and instead advocates the kinds of sound trade policies that will spur economic growth and sustainable development.

Community-Based Health Care Retraining Bill

Senator Russ Feingold has introduced the Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act to help displaced workers retrain for jobs in the health care sector. The Community-Based Health Care Retraining Act would amend the Workforce Investment Act to help communities create programs that would retrain displaced workers and prepare them for high-demand health care jobs if a community has both significant manufacturing or service sector job losses and shortages in the health care professions.

U.S. Senator Russ Feingold’s Record on Jobs and Trade

Throughout his Senate career, U.S. Senator Russ Feingold has been a strong advocate for Wisconsin’s working families. His comprehensive efforts to prevent the outsourcing of American jobs by opposing flawed trade agreements, encouraging the purchasing of American-made goods, and helping displaced workers retrain in growing fields to compete in a new job market include the following.

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