News & Press Releases

Senator Jim Webb (center) and Senator Jon Tester (center left), escorted by Col. John Charlton (left), commander of the U.S. Army's 1st Brigade Combat Team, tour “Hurricane Point” in Ramadi, Iraq, during a visit to Anbar Province.

Senator Webb: Holding Firm on Guantanamo
Foreign Policy & National Security
As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Senate Armed Services Committees, I am actively engaged in issues that promote a strong national defense, principled diplomacy, and a stronger position for the United States at home and abroad. 

For many years, as a Defense Department official, a journalist, and an editorial commentator, I have called for the United States to reengage the world, particularly in Asia, through a more comprehensive approach that involves diplomacy, cultural, and economic imperatives as well as our traditional military objectives.  As Chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee I take seriously the need for oversight of our foreign relations in Asia and will encourage the administration to adopt a consistent, principled foreign policy that promotes human rights, basic freedoms, and democratic governance.