Secretary Sebelius Visits Capitol to Talk Health Care Reform (May 2009) PDF Print
This week, the House Ways & Means Committee held a hearing on health reform with newly confirmed Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.  The hearing was covered by a New York Times article, which I thought you might be interested in.  It mentions a question I asked Secretary Sebelius about the Obama administration's health reform proposal.  My question focused on my strong concern that a new government-run health plan would make it more expensive for businesses to offer health care to their employees, causing people to lose their coverage.  I am committed to working with Secretary Sebelius and other members of Congress to develop commonsense health care reforms that will make care more affordable while ensuring people who like their coverage are able to keep it.  As part of this effort, the Republican Health Care Solutions Group, of which I am a member, recently announced a set of principles that will guide our soon-to-be-released health reform plan.  I invite you to click here to view them.