We are North Carolina's agency for college student financial aid. We administer programs designed to help college students pay the costs of higher education. Our site is divided into six main sections:

Paying for College takes you to the College Foundation of North Carolina site. We are proud to be partners with College Foundation Inc. and Pathways of North Carolina in sponsoring this comprehensive information site to assist students and parents who are planning for, applying to, and paying for college.

Borrower Information provides information for prospective and current borrowers of student and parent loans, including default aversion and prevention.

Program Information provides information for current and future NCSEAA program recipients.

Program Rules and Regulations provides Rules and Regulations for NCSEAA programs.

Announcements provides information from the Authority for financial aid administrators and other interested parties.

Investor Information is designed for current investors in the Authority's Guaranteed Student Loan Revenue Bonds.

About NCSEAA includes information about the most current year's state programs of financial aid awarded to students as well as other achievements and outreach activities of the NCSEAA.