Congressional Record
111th Congress (2009-2010)

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1 . The House met at 10 a.m. and was called to order by the Speaker pro tempore (Ms. Lee of California). -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
2 . DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
3 . PRAYER -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
4 . THE JOURNAL -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
5 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
6 . WELCOMING REVEREND TRI ROBINSON -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
7 . ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
8 . CONGRATULATING BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
9 . A REPUBLICAN SOLUTION FOR HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
10 . TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
11 . TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF HURRICANE FLOYD -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
12 . SWEEPING REFORMS LEAVE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS BEHIND -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
13 . MEDICAL LIABILITY REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
14 . STUDENT AID AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
15 . LIABILITY REFORM IS NECESSARY -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
16 . AN INCENTIVE FOR HEALTHY LIVING -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
17 . CLEAR ACT -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
19 . DEFUND ACORN -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
20 . ENACT REAL HEALTH CARE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
21 . HOW OUR INVESTMENT IN NASA HAS BENEFITED AMERICA -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
22 . HEALTH CARE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
24 . REBUILDING THE AMERICAN ECONOMY -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
25 . DELAY GUIDELINES FOR THE POTENTIAL RELEASE OF BTIF TERRORISTS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
26 . HEALTH CARE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
27 . PUTTING PATIENTS AND DOCTORS IN CONTROL -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
28 . SMALL BUSINESSES PROVIDE JOB-CREATION ENGINE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
29 . ADMINISTRATION'S PROTECTIONISM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
30 . TIME FOR HEALTH CARE REFORM IS NOW -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
31 . MEDICAL LIABILITY REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
32 . MAJOR STEP FORWARD FOR HEALTH CARE REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
33 . GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTH CARE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
34 . SUPPORT THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
35 . IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
36 . PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 3221, STUDENT AID AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
37 . PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 3246, ADVANCED VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
38 . ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
39 . PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 3221, STUDENT AID AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
40 . SUPPORTING EFFORTS TO REDUCE INFANT MORTALITY -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
41 . REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 3251 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
42 . GENERAL LEAVE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
43 . ADVANCED VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
44 . Messrs. ROHRABACHER, ISSA and McCARTHY of California changed their vote from ``aye'' to ``no.'' -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
45 . REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF H. RES. 648 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
46 . ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
47 . WES WATKINS AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH LAB AND POST OFFICE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
48 . GENERAL LEAVE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
49 . STUDENT AID AND FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 2009 -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
50 . SPECIAL ORDERS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
51 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Poe) -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
52 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Woolsey) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
53 . IN MEMORY OF 1ST LT. MICHAEL E. JOHNSON, USMC -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
54 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. Jones) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
55 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Kansas (Mr. Moran) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
56 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from Ohio (Ms. Kaptur) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
57 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. Burton) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
58 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from New York (Mr. Maffei) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
59 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Wolf) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
60 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Grayson) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
61 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Neugebauer) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
62 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from American Samoa (Mr. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
63 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Utah (Mr. Bishop) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
64 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Deal) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
65 . The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Forbes) is recognized for 5 minutes. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
66 . TORT REFORM -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
67 . HEALTH CARE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
68 . FREE ENTERPRISE AND THE INVISIBLE HAND -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
69 . LEAVE OF ABSENCE -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
70 . SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
71 . ENROLLED BILL SIGNED -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
72 . ADJOURNMENT -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
73 . EXPENDITURE REPORTS CONCERNING OFFICIAL FOREIGN TRAVEL -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
74 . EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
75 . REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
76 . PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
77 . ADDITIONAL SPONSORS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)
78 . DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS -- (House of Representatives - September 16, 2009)

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