Congress of the United States - House of Representatives - Washington, DC 20515-3701
Appropriations Requests
Naturally Occurring Retirement Community Support Service Program
Jewish Family Child Service

Supports an expansion of the services and geographic focus of Jewish Family Child Service’s Naturally Occurring Retirement Community Support Service Program, an innovative community-based health and social services program.  The program assists the growing number of seniors seeking to age in place through services such as case management and advocacy, as well as opportunities for socialization, recreation, education, volunteering, and employment.  Measurable outcomes include the increased knowledge and utilization of community-based resources, including increased participation in the community.  Funds would be directed to better use and improve existing local services and programming, build a body of research and evaluation data, and disseminate findings to the broader Aging Services Network.


Amount Requested: $250,000

Address: 1130 SW Morrison, Suite 316, Portland, OR  97205

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