Congressman John Campbell

Sunday, Dec 05, 2010
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Immigration Reform Center

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As a member of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, I believe we must secure the border andpicture_017 reform our dysfunctional immigration policies and reduce the magnets that draw illegal immigrants to the United States in the first place.

Preventing Amnesty

I strongly and firmly oppose amnesty.  People who came to this country illegally must not be rewarded for their illegal behavior with a blanket policy of amnesty.  This is neither fair nor just; especially to those who immigrated to the United States properly and chose to come to this country under the prescribed legal guidelines.  I will be working hard in the 111th Congress to ensure that illegal aliens are not granted amnesty and additional government benefits.

Sanctuary Cities

'Sanctuary Cities' are rogue cities throughout the nation that provide safe havens and public services for illegal aliens in defiance of federal law. The policies exercised by these cities are both illegal and detrimental to the security of our nation. In recent reports, as many as 3 states, nearly 50 cities, and the District of Columbia have adopted policies that prevent local police officers from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agents.

This presents a series of problems and as a result, I have been very active on this issue since being sworn into office in 2005.

  • In December of 2005, I drafted an amendment to H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act which passed the House. The Senate, however, decided to draft their own legislation, S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, with amnesty and expanded benefits for illegal immigrants included.
  • In 2007, I offered a “sanctuary policy” amendment to H.R. 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, that passed by a vote of 218 to 179. Like my measure included in H.R. 4437, this amendment would have punished cities that enact illegal alien “sanctuary” laws by prohibiting them from receiving federal homeland security grants. When the Senate and House came together to conference on H.R. 5441, I generated a coalition of around thirty members and strongly urged the conference committee to include the amendment in the final bill. The committee, however, decided to not include it in the conference report and such it did not become law.
  • In 2010, I have plans to introduce legislation that will prohibit sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants.

100301dallas_potwWorksite Enforcement

All employers should have a reliable, cost effective, and expedient method of determining whether or not their employees and potential employees are legal residents of the United States. The E-Verify basic pilot program has been an important step forward. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reported the number of false positives has decreased and I am hopeful we can progress to accuracy levels that are even higher. This is integral to any successful immigration enforcement policy.

Securing the Border


If there is one thing we have learned in the ongoing mission to secure our nation, it is that we must use existing resources more effectively.

Evidence has shown that illegal border crossings have been reduced, but not completely eliminated.

Unfortunately I believe that the leadership of this Congress has no desire or will to complete the border fence, and will actively work to ensure that the fence is not completed. There is no doubt that our nation is facing perilous times and those of us that live within close proximity to the United States/Mexico border understand that better than most. Therefore, as a major part of our national security efforts, I cannot imagine a more prudent and important time for America to begin fully securing its borders. I assure that you I will continue to work hard in the 111th Congress to ensure that the border fence is completed, and that efforts to halt or thrwart its progress are exposed and brought to the public's attention.

Campbell Action Center

Letter to Immigration and Customs Enforcement & The Orange County Sheriff's Dept. June - 2009

 Letter to President Obama supporting a strong Border Patrol - October 2009

 Letter to President Obama supporting the 287(g) program allowing state and local law enforcement to assist in enforcement of immigration law.

Useful Links

Deparment of Homeland Security

Customs and Border Protection

Southwest Border Fence

Types of Border Fence

Secure the Border Initiative

Current Border Security Laws

Current Employment Laws



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