
December 1, 2009

Our capital city is mourning the death of one of its leading citizens. A man I was proud to call my friend, Abe Poland. My thoughts and sympathy are with his wife, Irene, and his sons, Robert and Jim. Abe's business skill, his philanthropy changed Washington, D.C., for the better...

November 19, 2009

What this bill does is puts statutory Pay-Go into law. He's right. But what he didn't say to you is when their side controlled the Presidency, the House and the Senate, they jettisonned paying for things. They did away with Pay-Go generally, and what happened? We went from substantial surpluses under the Clinton Administration to substantial deficits under the Bush Administration...

November 7, 2009

We think we'll have 218 by the time we vote on this bill later on this afternoon or early this evening. We think that all the members of the Democratic Caucus without exception believe that we need to pass major health care reform so that we can make health care affordable and accessible for all Americans...

November 7, 2009

We're not going to bring it to a vote this morning. Later on this afternoon or this evening we will bring it to a vote. We expect to have 218 votes. We believe the American having millions of uninsured Americans without health care security is not only bad for them but bad for all of us because we're paying more and having a less healthy nation...

November 7, 2009

That's the biggest hurdle was convincing, as you point out, Progressives and Bluedogs, that the compromises that had been reached, the legislation that was fashioned, is, in fact, good for the country. Good for constituents. Good for small business. Good for their families. I think we've done that...

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