
January 21, 2010

I'd like to have bipartisan discussions moving forward on this issue. But I have concluded from my experience over the last year, and not just these -- I quote three but there have been other statements as well that indicate opposition for oppositions sake has been adopted at least by some on your side as a strategy and as a tactic. I think the losers are not so much Democrats in that context. I think the losers are the American people...

January 15, 2010

I think it's sufficient to say that we're very close. We're working very hard. As you can tell, we've been working very long hours to try to get this done for the American people. And the President's been very engaged in our discussions, as you know, we've been at the White House now on three out of the last four days. And my expectation is that we will be getting very close today...

January 14, 2010

I think that certainly our friends in labor have been very, very concerned about some of the financing mechanisms, as you point out that were in the senate bill. And they like better the financing mechanisms that were in our bill. And there are a lot of Americans that are not in organized labor very concerned about the so-called tax on high-end policies. But it's my view and my understanding that there's been a lot of work done...

December 16, 2009

A little over a year ago, Mr. Boehner and i spoke on a bill that i said would be noted as a day of consequence in the House of Representatives. That bill was to at the request of President Bush and Secretary Paulsen and Ben Bernanke give some $700 billion to the Treasury to try to stabilize the financial sector of our economy...

December 9, 2009

We talk about possibilities -- not a stimulus package -- which had a broader reach, but a targeted jobs package was discussed, and what options were available. I think everyone agreed we needed to take action to get more people back to work, employed, and grow jobs...

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