
February 28, 2010

We needed to have health care reform. That seemed to be a universal agreement. As a result of the work that has been done, we're going to move ahead to try to make sure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. We think that's essential. We think it will bring down costs. We think it will improve the health of America...

February 25, 2010

I think the American public probably know pretty well what to discuss and that's a discussion of one of the most serious issues confronting our country, that's the cost of health care, availability of health care to our families and to our businesses and the cost to our country. The Americans i talk to all over this country understand that health care needs to be reformed...

February 25, 2010

Like the President, we're all focused on a comprehensive health care reform bill, which we think the American people really will support when they know the component parts of it because the polling data shows that when you ask not are you for the health care reform bill, which has been perceived by some as creating confrontation and division as a result of the congressional consideration...

February 25, 2010

We should have available an affordable health care to every American citizen to every family. I suppose there are a whole lot of every Americans and American families listening to us today and watching us. And they're hoping that we're all sitting around here talking about them, not about us...

February 25, 2010

We have recognized common ground. Whether we have found it -- but we have recognized it. Your reporter mentioned a couple of things there was agreement on. The bench and pre-existing conditions and making sure the insurance companies have good competition. I am not sure we agree on that. It was, Gordon, an extraordinary event...

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