
March 19, 2010

We have seen yesterday very important information from the Congressional Budget Office which as you indicate and Nancy indicated shows that we are doing exactly what we said we would do. And that is adopting a program which will make health care more affordable, make insurance companies accountable, and bring down the deficit over $1.3 trillion over the next two decades...

March 19, 2010

What will otherwise be the Conference Report.. but in this case, the Senate rereport as amended, they'll yes or no to that questition. And I think we'll have more yes's than no's and therefo it will pass. I agree with you, the American public have a right to know their member voted...

March 17, 2010

Since the President addressed the nation on health care, the support has gone up 18 points and "the Wall Street Journal" poll that just came out, shows the majority of those responding indicate they're for the bill. An ""economist"" poll showed the same thing a week ago. We think support is growing for this bill...

March 10, 2010

I thought the Ethics Committee was the appropriate venue in which to have this matter quickly investigated and resolved, and in fact, of course, within three weeks, as you know, the Congressman decided that the charges that were pending, or the situation that existed, was serious enough that he was going to resign from Congress...

March 2, 2010

We needed to provide access to affordable health care for all Americans and all families. That is the single best selling point because if we don't do that, the system is more expensive, less efficient, our nation is less healthy, and all Americans who have insurance are paying about $1,000 extra in their policies to accomplish that objective...

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