
March 25, 2010

I think they're taking them very seriously. As you heard, some of the threats are very serious and a threat of bodily harm to members. I think it's appropriate that each one of us take this seriously. Whether we've had threats made against us or not, clearly the Capital Police and the FBI are taking them seriously and investigating. The bottom line is we need to be very careful in public life that our rhetoric does not turn to icitement of violence or violent acts...

March 25, 2010

My presumption is that they've found that the problems that exist, which are small, as you say, and technical. And that they will send the Bill back. My expectation is, sometime this afternoon, and sometime later this afternoon is my expectation, we will pass the Bill and send it on to the President...

March 22, 2010

We're going to finish the job that we started. We had a big victory. Set the Health Care Bill to the President for signature. He's going to sign it tomorrow morning and we're going to finish the bill with the amendments called the reconciliation, reconciling the differences between the House and the Senate. And when they pass that and send it to the President, that will be the law. If they make some changes we'll certainly be ready to receive them and consider them...

March 21, 2010

Today, March 21, 2010, we will cross another bridge. It is not a physical bridge but it is a bridge that too many Americans find that they cannot cross, a river that separates them from the security of having available the best health care that is available in the world. Available to them. We are here to conclude a day of debate which concludes months of debate in a national conversation that began more than a century ago. But this much is beyond debate. American health care is on an unsustainable course...

March 19, 2010

I think we're close and I think we'll have the votes on Sunday. Clearly I think members have concluded that we're accomplishing the objectives we set out to do in terms of making insurance affordable for families...

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