
November 7, 2009

We hope it will be more than that and if it is, that will be a bonus. But it obviously takes 218 votes to pass the bill. That's what we're looking for. But the real focus is on the substance of this Bill and what it does for America...

November 7, 2009

Today we will reform health care for America in the House of Representatives. We will make sure that we reach out to make sure that every mom and dad in America knows that they will have health available for their child. They know they need that. That's not an option for them. It is a necessity for them because they love their children...

November 7, 2009

...never again, never again will you be denied coverage because you have diabetes or asthma or some other disease or because you're pregnant or because you have anything else your insurer decides is a pre-existing condition...

November 7, 2009

My colleagues on the other side of the aisle demanded 72 hours notice for the bill and they've gotten four or five months notice. They gave us 72 seconds to consider this amendment...

November 6, 2009

Frankly, the Republicans createded what is called the medicare advantage. Medicare advantage has private sector. It's overpaid. Almost everybody believes it's overpaid by 10% to as much as 25% or 30%...

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