Considered and Passed:
Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4853Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010, with an amendment (Rep. Levin – Ways and Means) (234 - 188)

S. 3307
- Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Sen. Lincoln – Education and Labor)(264 - 157)
  • Motion to Recommit – Failed:
    • Offered by Rep. Kline (MN) (200 - 221

Bills Adopted Under Suspension of the Rules (11):

  1. H.Res. 1638 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National GEAR UP Day (Rep. Fattah - Education and Labor)
  2. H.Res. 1598 - Expressing support for the designation of the month of October as National Work and Family Month (Rep. McCarthy (NY) - Education and Labor)
  3. H.Res. 1576 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a National Day of Recognition for Parents of Special Needs Children should be established (Rep. Burton - Education and Labor)
  4. H.Res. 1313 - Expressing support for designation of May as "Child Advocacy Center Month" and commending the National Child Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama, on their 25th anniversary in 2010 (Rep. Griffith - Education and Labor)
  5. H.Res. 1690 - Supporting the observance of American Diabetes Month (Rep. DeGette - Energy and Commerce)
  6. S. 2847 - CALM Act (Sen. Whitehouse - Energy and Commerce)
  7. H.Res. 527 - Commending the NATO School for its critical support of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) efforts to promote global peace, stability, and security (Rep. Tanner - Foreign Affairs)
  8. H.Res. 528 - Commending the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies for its efforts to promote peace, stability and security throughout North America, Europe, and Eurasia (Rep. Tanner - Foreign Affairs)
  9. H.Con.Res. 325 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day (Rep. Hastings (FL) - Financial Services)
  10. H.R. 6473 - Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2010, Part IV (Rep. Oberstar – Transportation and Infrastructure)
  11. H.R. 6469 - To amend section 17 of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to include a condition of receipt of funds under the child and adult care food program (Rep. George Miller – Education and Labor)
Privileged Resolution – Adopted
H.Res. 1737 - In the matter of Representative Charles B. Rangel (Rep. Lofgren – Standards of Official Conduct) (333 - 79)
  • Amendment – Failed (1):
    • Butterfield Amendment (146 – 267)