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Quigley Statement on the Passing of Ron Santo

"He will be missed by everyone who ever had the pleasure to watch him play or hear his voice on the radio."   ...


Quigley Makes the Case for Reinventing the Federal Budget on the Huffington Post

"We can't possibly figure out how to get where we want to be if we can't agree on where we are now."   ...

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Quigley Statement on Day of Progress for LGBT Community

"From the statehouse in Springfield to the Pentagon in Washington, we saw equality take an important step forward today."...

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Quigley Statement on Iran Sanctions PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 25 June 2010 10:08

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL) released the following statement after the overwhelming passage of H.R. 2194, the Conference Report on Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act.


“This package of comprehensive sanctions is our most powerful tool to persuade the Iranian regime to abandon their unabashed pursuit of nuclear weapons and continued threats to our peace and our closest ally, Israel.


Iran has ignored six Security Council resolutions calling on the country to halt its nuclear activities and has instead stockpiled enough low-enriched uranium to produce two nuclear weapons.


These sanctions will send an important signal to Tehran: Give up your nuclear ambitions, or endure hard-hitting economic sanctions and further alienate yourself from the rest of world.”

The Senate unanimously approved the measure earlier today.

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