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2010 Press Releases

Quigley Statement on the Passing of Ron Santo

"He will be missed by everyone who ever had the pleasure to watch him play or hear his voice on the radio."   ...


Quigley Makes the Case for Reinventing the Federal Budget on the Huffington Post

"We can't possibly figure out how to get where we want to be if we can't agree on where we are now."   ...

2010 Press Releases

Quigley Statement on Day of Progress for LGBT Community

"From the statehouse in Springfield to the Pentagon in Washington, we saw equality take an important step forward today."...

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Mike believes the best form of government is an open and honest government that serves its people and not a special interest. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously stated, “sunlight is the best disinfectant.” Open and transparent government will produce efficient and effective projects – and will strengthen Congress’ ability to serve our constituents' best interests. The appropriations process needs a major overhaul, because when utilized in an honest and accountable manner, it is a necessary and effective way to infuse our communities with the support they need. To begin this process of reform, Mike introduced a House Resolution barring for-profit entities from receiving congressionally-directed dollars ("earmarks"), so that individuals may no longer leverage financial support for political favors.



Our first order of business is to prevent unintended pregnancies, and by supporting organizations with family planning services, we can do just that. Educating and communicating are principal factors that will deter unplanned pregnancies. However, Mike believes that a woman’s right to choose is just that – her right – and will fight to protect it.



One of Mike’s most important responsibilities as Representative of the 5th Congressional District is ensuring the safety of the American people. Recent history has shown that threats to our nation’s safety can come in many forms, and our defense policy must be focused on addressing these threats. Mike supports efforts to overhaul many facets of our military, including streamlining military procurement and ensuring that dollars are being spent wisely, not superfluously. By reforming these processes, we can meet evolving defense needs while at the same time maintaining our military strength.



Mike believes that an investment in our children’s education is an investment our country’s future, both economically and socially. The importance of providing our children the best possible education cannot be overstated, especially as so many Americans battle economic hardship. Mike believes that rebuilding our economy in a sustainable way begins with education, and policy should reflect that reality.


Environment and Energy

As a Cook County Commissioner and now as a Member of Congress, Mike has worked tirelessly to advocate for environmentally-conscious government. Mike believes innovative environmental and energy policy is necessary to combat increasing carbon emissions which endanger our planet’s environmental health. His goals include promoting renewable energy and common sense environmental policy to safeguard our natural resources for future generations. Mike also believes that renewable energy can be a cornerstone of sustainable economic growth, and that the long term cost of inaction for our environment far outweighs today’s price tag. Allowing further environmental degradation is not only irresponsible policy for the present day but will cause incalculable damage to the world our children inhabit.



Mike firmly believes in President Abraham Lincoln’s vision, shared nearly 150 years ago – that our country is on an evolutionary path to full equality for all Americans and that our fight for human rights is ongoing. Whether it’s fighting for marriage equality, fighting against senseless discrimination, or fighting on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, Mike believes that we must be guided by doing what’s right, what’s fair, and what’s just. Mike, whose first co-sponsorship in the House was a bill to strengthen federal hate crimes legislation, believes it is our moral obligation to ensure justice for all, and not allow race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation to divide us.


Foreign Affairs

Our country is currently fighting two wars abroad – one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Mike is committed to providing the resources our soldiers need, and ensuring that our servicemen and women are not in harm’s way one day more than is necessary. Mike’s recent trips to Iraq, Israel, and Gaza reemphasized his goals to establish sound Middle East policy, and he believes that Congress and the Obama Administration should work together towards responsible, pragmatic, and thoughtful foreign policy.


Health Care

Mike believes that comprehensive health care reform is vital to the health of our citiizens and future prosperity of our nation. President Obama and his Administration have made this initiative a top priority, one which Mike shares. Forty-seven million Americans are currently uninsured, a number that continues to rise as unemployment grows. Health insurance premiums are skyrocketing, doubling in the last eight years and increasing 3.7 times faster than wages. Mike believes these increases are simply unsustainable for families and businesses, and must be addressed because the status quo isn't working.

  • To learn how the health care reform bill will impact the 5th District, please click here.
  • For more information about the health care reform legislation, please click here.



As globalization shrinks our world, establishing a fair system to account for the movement of people across and within our borders becomes increasingly important. Comprehensive immigration reform must do what it is right, what is just, and what is fair for all. Mike will work toward concrete and pragmatic solutions for environmentally-sensitive border security. Mike also believes that we must document the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S. Additionally, Mike believes that the Visa Waiver Program should be extended and ultimately made permanent, and should allow for the inclusion of Poland as a participant country. He has introduced legislation to achieve this goal.



As a lawyer and a member of House Committee on the Judiciary, Mike’s background gives him a unique perspective on judicial issues. Mike is committed to passing legislation that protects civil liberties, ensures equality for all people, and above all, upholds the Constitution.  A functioning, independent Judiciary is essential to a healthy democracy, and Mike is proud to play an important role and casting his vote on issues crucial to justice for all on the Judiciary Committee.



Reforming, streamlining, and reinventing government is central to Mike’s efforts as a public servant, whether in Cook County or in Washington. Mike believes that the best form of government is an open and honest government, one that serves its people and not a special interest. Mike will continue to fight for reform to ensure that taxpayer funds are spent responsibly, lawmakers are operating honestly and effectively, and government is reflective of the country’s needs.



Mike believes that rebuilding our infrastructure is tantamount to spurring economic growth. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was a step in the right direction. In the 5th Congressional District, we are already working hard to repair our crumbling infrastructure. Mike believes it is most important to invest in long-term projects seeking to modernize our national infrastructure, providing efficient and safe transportation of goods and people, reducing congestion and pollution. Mike also believes that transparency and accountability is critical throughout the process, so that taxpayers can rest assured their hard-earned money is being put to use efficiently.



These brave Americans have chosen to serve their country, and in turn, their country should serve them. Mike works tirelessly to improve healthcare and ensure access to higher education for our veterans. Additionally, his District Office assists veterans with various casework services on a daily basis.


Mike’s Committees

Mike serves on the Committees on the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, Mike is able to put his wealth of legal and legislative experience to great use. As a member of the Oversight Committee, Mike has the opportunity to work to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in all facets of government, increasing transparency and making government more responsive to its constituents.


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