Workers' Rights

Defending Basic Rights of Workers

Senator Murray is working hard to ensure that the rights of all workers are respected in the workplace.  Workers in Washington State and across the country deserve the opportunity to join a union to bargain collectively and negotiate fair wages if they choose to do so, opening the door to a better economic life for their families

Senator Murray believes that we must reaffirm our commitment to the rights of workers and will continue the fight for legislation that contains these important and basic protections. That is why she is proud to be an original cosponsor of the Employee Free Choice Act. This important legislation will allow workers to choose to form union by majority sign-up rather than requiring a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election and penalize bad actors who attempt to block employees from exercising their rights. During the 111th Congress, Senator Murray worked to confirm Craig Becker and Mark G. Pearce as members of the National Labor Relations Board.

Senator Murray also believes that these rights should also be extended to public safety workers. She is a cosponsor of the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2007, which will provide collective bargaining rights for public safety officers.  This bill will give firefighters and police officers the right to form or join a union and to bargain collectively over workplace safety, hours, wages and terms and conditions of their employment.