Water Resources Development Act

Authorization Increase for Section 536

This request would the increase the authorization level for the Lower Columbia River and Tillamook Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project.  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) will reach its current authorized level of funding in the near future, and this increased authorization of funding will allow the Corps to continue working with its partners on important ecosystem restoration actions.


Chehalis River South Jetty

This request would provide the Army Corps of Engineers with the authority to repair a breach on the two jetties located at the mouth of the Chehalis River.  These jetties help maintain the channel that ocean vessels use to the Port of Grays Harbor and other destinations.  There has recently been the threat of a breach of land leading to the south jetty, which could render the channel useless.  In fact, this land was breached in the early 1990s, and this request would ensure that the Corps has the authority to repair and prevent further breaching.  


Clover Island Deed Restriction Removal

This request would remove Corps zoning restrictions from a parcel of land on Clover Island, which is owned by the Port of Kennewick.  Removal of this deed restriction would allow the Port of Kennewick to move forward with plans for economic development.


Coweeman River Flood Protection Project

This request would authorize a Corps study to find the appropriate level of flood protection for the Coweeman River, a tributary of the Cowlitz River.  This request would add the Coweeman River to the existing authorization for the Mount St. Helens, Washington sediment control project, and would provide increased flood protection for the City of Kelso.


Elimination of Section 214 Sunset Provision

This request would remove the sunset provision from Section 214 of Water Resources Development Act 2000.  Ensuring a permanent authorization for Section 214, which allows the Corps to accept and expend funds to expedite permit processing, is important to the Pacific Northwest as it has helped reduce the backlog of permits.


Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund

This request would allow full access to annual revenues from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund, which was designed to provide 100 percent of the cost of operations and maintenance, primarily dredging, at the nation’s deep draft and coastal ports and harbors.  Ensuring full access to these funds would help address major funding issues at the nation’s ports and harbors.


Howard Hanson Dam Additional Water Storage Project

This request would increase the authorization level for the Howard Hanson Dam Additional Water Storage Project, which provides multiple uses for the region, including flood control, ecosystem restoration, and water supply.


Invasive Species Detection and Monitoring

This request would expand existing Corps authority to do more monitoring and detection of zebra and quagga mussels.  These invasive species are a significant threat to Pacific Northwest infrastructure and the economy.


Levee Vegetation Policy Enhancement

This request would extend the current variance for the Seattle District allowing vegetation on levees, which would enable local entities to meet the requirements of several different, competing federal laws and policies.


Port of Willapa Contract Agreement Authorization

This request would authorize the Corps to contract with the Port of Willapa with regard to dredging in the area.


Quinault River Basin Restoration Project

This request would authorize the Corps to work in the Quinault River Basin and would give specific authority to the Corps to begin a General Investigation study for the Upper Quinault Restoration Project, targeting flood risk management and ecosystem restoration.


Walla Walla River Basin Watershed Project

This request would authorize construction for the Walla Walla River Basin Watershed Project.  Upon completion of the project, it is expected that the results will include restoring Walla Walla River flows to natural levels while protecting the existing agricultural economy dependent on the irrigation water supply.